양분관리/칼슘(Ca), pH

2030_004_칼슘의 역할 및 부족

은기원 2010. 5. 23. 19:27

칼슘의 역할 및 부족


칼슘(Ca)은 세포벽의 구성요소이고, 신초 생장점 및 뿌리선단의 생성과 관련되어 있다. 이것은 세포벽의 탄력과 확장에 기여하며,  단단하고 부서지기 쉽게 변화되는 생장점을 계속 유지시킨다. 이것은 식물체 내에서 이동성이 떨어지며, 전생육기에 걸쳐 오래된 조직에 남아있게 된다. 이것은 생장과정에서 발생되는 유기산을 중화시키는 염(알칼리)으로 작용하며, 탄수화물의 이동을 도우며, 질소 흡수를 돕는다. 실제로, 칼슘은 식물구조에서 벽으로 여겨지며, 이것이 없이는 세포 형성 및 발달이 일어나지 않는다.


칼슘은 식물체를 결합하는 기능을 하며, 없으면 세포 생성이나 성장이 일어나지 않는다. 강가 사질토양에서 가장 낮은 농도의 칼슘이 발견되며, 이런 땅에서는 pH가 적절이 유지되지 않거나, 낮은 CEC 및  유출이 심하게 된다.

[2030_004] North Carolina

Calcium's Role


Calcium is a constituent of cell walls and is involved in production of new growing points and root tips. It provides elasticity and expansion of cell walls, which keeps growing points from becoming rigid and brittle. It is immobile within plants and remains in the older tissue throughout the growing season. It acts as a base for neutralizing organic acids generated during the growing process and aids in carbohydrate translocation and nitrogen absorption. Indeed, calcium might be considered the bricks in plant assembly, without which cell manufacture and development would not occur.

The calcium content of North Carolina soils ranges from less than 200 ppm to over 2500 ppm, depending on soil type, liming practices, and cropping sequence. The lowest amount of calcium is found in the sandy coastal plain soils where pH has not been properly maintained or in soils that have a low nutrient-holding capacity and are more subject to leaching.


Calcium Deficiency


Calcium (Ca) deficiency symptoms appear in the meristem regions (new growth) of leaves, stems, buds, and roots. Younger leaves are affected first and are usually deformed. In extreme cases, the growing tips die. The leaves of some plants hook downward and exhibit marginal necrosis. Roots on calcium-deficient plants are short and stubby. In tomatoes and peppers, a black leathery appearance develops on the blossom end of the fruit (a disorder called blossom-end rot). In such cases, the fruit ceases to develop and eventually falls off. In peanuts, low calcium causes "pops," a condition that prevents nuts from developing.


Plants must obtain calcium from the soil. Soil reserves are replenished and maintained with frequent applications of lime. Calcium can also be supplied by applying fertilizers such as calcium nitrate (19.4% Ca), calcium sulfate (22.5% Ca), and normal superphosphate (20.4% Ca).


Calcium deficiency is generally an indication of the need for lime. Soils that are properly limed will provide adequate calcium for several years. For crops like peanuts that require a high calcium concentration near the soil surface at pegging, a banded or broadcast application of gypsum (CaSO4, 22.5% Ca) will supply adequate calcium for normal crop production. For certain specialty crops, a foliar application of calcium nitrate is effective in correcting a deficiency.


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